Better This World was written, directed and produced by Katie Galloway and Kelly Duane de la Vega. It is the story of David McKay and Bradley Crowder, two young political activists. While under the influence of an older charismatic revolutionary, the two were arrested for domestic terrorism during the 2008 Republican Convention. The movie looks at what happened between the three men. Accepted as an Official Selection in over 20 film festivals, Better This World won three “Best Documentary” awards in Sarasota and San Francisco. This interview with the filmmakers was conducted during the Sarasota Film Festival.
The movie examines how the “war on terror” after 9/11 has impacted civil liberties and political dissent in the US. Better This World will also be broadcast on P.O.V. on PBS on September 6th.
Tag Archives: PBS
Sarasota hosts Jackie Evancho
The Ringling Museum in Sarasota was the location selected for filming a PBS Great Performances episode starring Jackie Evancho called Dream With Me in Concert. Check out the video below as she performs Sarah McLachlan’s song “Angel” in the Ringling courtyard. You can check the PBS website for broadcast times.